
Sab with glasses

Hi all,

I'm super tired... I worked all night and right now it is 2:30 pm. and I still haven't slept yet... Why, you might ask? 'cause I'm crazy like that. lol...
No seriously I wanted to finish this little drawing of Sab wearing her glasses before I head to bed. ^^;
It's a fairly simple drawing with sexy curves. ;)
I hope you all like it.

Here's the lineart.

Here's the final inked version.


Stealthy - Request on DeviantArt

Hi all,

I've been asked by someone over on DA to draw his OC(original character). I don't usually do this 'cause I do not have that much free time and when I do have some, I like to draw my characters to please my girls or my close friends. But I made an exception this time for one of my watcher called "Barcod". He's been patient, he asked me to do this before but I was busy with one of my hentai mangas. Anyways-- I did it this time and I hope he'll like it. :)
Her name is "Stealthy", she's a... uhmm... My Little Poney character but in this case, I made her look human. :P I kept her wings and ears. On the examples he showed me, she had purple gloves and stockings so I also kept those. He requested her to be naked, no problem there. ^^;

This is the lineart.

Here's the final inked version.


Sab X Amé - So pretty

Good evening everybody,

I just completed yet another drawing. This time it's of both Sab & Amé, together on top of each other in bed. ^_^ Amé seems to think that Sab is pretty... Aww. ;)
Sab wears glasses in real life sometimes so, for once, I decided to try drawing her with them on. I hope you guys like it.
I took about 5 hours total to complete it. I didn't make too many mistakes this time (or so I think.)

Here's the lineart.

 This is the final version, inked.


Aria The Succubus

Good morning everyone,

I came back from work this morning and I wanted to finish this drawing. This time, it's a drawing of a "new" character: Aria. One of my co-worker/friend is a writer and he's going to write a book. It's about a fantasy world with Angels & Demons alongside humans, it all sounds pretty good. He's creating characters for the story and he agreed to include three characters based (kinda) on myself, Sab & Amé. ^^ I'll be known as Killik in his book, Sab is named Aria and Amé is Melodia.

Anyways -- I decided to try to imagine what Aria could look like in his world. She's a demon-succubus.
So here it is, I hope you all like it. :)

This is the lineart.

Here's the final inked version.


Hold her down, girls.

Good evening everybody,

New drawing finally complete! That one sure took a while to draw.
The idea came from a friend of mine, a co-worker... My two girls with a "mysterious" third girl... =P This is just a fantasy. ^^
I took about a week to draw it all, drawing everyday for a hour or two. Inking it all gave me some trouble. >.< I really need new pens... Some are running out of ink and frustrates me. So please forgive me for some of the ink mistakes. :/ But I managed to finish and still be satisfied with it. I wish I had a bigger paper as it almost didn't fit onto it..!

I can't name the third girl that is in the middle of Sab & Amé..... At least, not right now.
If you ever read this, "mysterious girl", you know who you are, I do not mean any offense with this. It's all for fun. :)

I hope you all like it.

Here's the lineart.

This is the final inked version.